Bernard Matthews to team up with Crowley Carbon


Bernard Matthews, the world famous poultry breeding farmers, have asked the Irish company Crowley Carbon to help them implement their “Big Green Plan”. The goal of the plan being to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions by 30%.


Given that seven million turkeys are raised each year by Bernard Matthews, heating the turkey sheds and the recovery of the waste they produce will be central to the project.

Bernard Matthews has a simple project: they aim to become the producer of the most environmentally friendly food throughout the UK. Many solutions are already in place, from electricity generated through wind power to the installation of biomass boilers producing hot water from organic waste, and even solar panels and a biogas plant to produce gas.

The role of Crowley Carbon will primarily be to provide heat exchangers that will be responsible for recovering the heat contained in the well water. In addition to this, it will be re-designing refrigeration systems and installing LEDs. Bernard Matthews stated aim is to be 100% independent in terms of production of green and renewable electricity for 2016 and to reduce carbon emissions to 0 by 2020.

To accomplish this, Bernard Matthews have raised £100 million from investors to finance the project.

Author: greentechjournal

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