Glowee, biologically inspired lighting
The young CEO of Glowee, Sandra Rey, presented the company’s lighting technology which was developed by mimicking the light produced by certain marine bio-organisms at the Cleantech Forum in 2016.
She hopes that her company will help to shift the production of light from the electrical field to the biological field.
The solution can take any shape form, without the need for any installation or infrastructure, and is self-sufficient. This means it is possible to obtain lighting without being connected to an electric network, and without external power supply.
Sandra Rey presents her technology as an alternative to current solutions, not as a replacement. She hopes simply to offer another solution which will perhaps help to reduce consumption in certain sectors.
Glowee’s technology could, for example, be used to light up buildings at night or in situations where installing a traditional electrical system is simply not possible or feasible. Imagine for a moment the benefits of being able to install this type of lighting in the high mountains or in a cave, without the need for any hard labour or major installations.
Initially, the team of a dozen young engineers succeeded in obtaining only few minutes of cumulative light. Now, the team is capable of producing light for three days and, they hope, soon enough light for a month or more.
For now, the product is used for art installations, but when the team succeed in reaching the landmark figure of one month of lighting, which they expect to attain by the end of the year, Sandra Rey hopes to conquer new markets.
It is not surprising that the start-up was chosen to present its technology at the opening conference of the Cleantech Forum.