Tricel benefit from Enterprise Ireland’s support

The Irish Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, visited Lyon on the 4th of September 2015 to express Enterprise Ireland’s support for the sanitation specialist Tricel. Enterprise Ireland is the agency responsible for helping the international development of Irish companies.

In 2011, Enterprise Ireland had supported Tricel in the establishment of a factory in Vienne (86), in Naintré, and has further helped the company to get obtain a major contract this year.

The new contract, which the company has confirmed is for a significant 7 figure sum, was agreed with the companies Savoie 2 Environment and Alp Solutions Environment, which are grouped under the “Rhône-Alpes Sanitation” umbrella. These two companies are considered to be Tricel’s historical partners in the region.

The purpose of this contract is not to simply resell Tricel products, rather Rhône-Alpes Sanitation, in accordance with Tricel policy, is committed to position itself closer to the consumer and to ensure the promotion of the products, their delivery, commissioning, maintenance and service.

The support of Enterprise Ireland has therefore proved to have been very beneficial for Tricel, who have demonstrated a significant growth potential in the Rhône-Alpes region and in France.


Author: greentechjournal

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