KMG become Tricel

KMG become Tricel

  In 1998, all of the companies in the Killarney Plastics Group were grouped under the banner KMG (Killarney Manufacturing Group). Today, the KMG group is being rebranded as Tricel. The Tricel company, which began as a subsidiary of the KMG group, has been a huge success and an important development in recent years, at both European level and internationally. The KMG group has announced plans to build on this success by bringing...

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Tricel land top award

Tricel land top award

The Irish company Tricel took the decision to expand its operations in France this year, and this decision appears to be paying off as the company’s smooth transition has seen Tricel land an award for Best Irish Company in France. The award was bestowed by the Franco-Irish Chamber of Commerce and Network Ireland who awarded the prize to Tricel last November, during the Business Awards in Dublin. Tricel France belongs to the KMG group...

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